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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : برامج لتعديل وتحرير ملفات PDF الرائع Qoppa PDF Studio Pro OCR 11.0.2

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06-19-2016, 04:50 AM
Qoppa PDF Studio Pro OCR 11.0.2



PDF Studioâ„¢ is an all-in-one, easy to use PDF editor that provides all PDF features needed at a fraction of the cost of Adobeآ® Acrobatآ® and other PDF editors. PDF Studio maintains full compatibility with the PDF Standard.

Qoppa PDF Studio Pro Features Include:
- Interactive Form Designer
- OCR (Text Recognition)
- Content Editing
- Permanent Redaction
- Compare PDFs
- Optimize PDFs
- Digitally Sign PDFs
- Advanced PDF Splitting & Merging
- Batch Process Multiple PDFs
- Precision Measuring Tools
- PDF/A Validation / Conversion

Whats New in Qoppa PDF Studio 11:
- Welcome Screen with Recent Files &Useful Shortcuts
- Annotations and Form Fields Spell Checker
- Major Rubber Stamps Redo (Dynamic, Preview, Predefined and PDF Stamps)
- Enhanced Print Dialog
- Quick Text Search (in addition to Advanced Search)
- Major Memory & Performance Enhancements
- Many New Batch Functions (Pro)
- Output Preview for Overprint (Pro)
- Non-Latin OCR Languages (Pro)
- Image Improvements (Unlimited size, Faster)
- Text to Speech for Accessibility (postponed to version 11.1)
- Font Improvements
- Many Other Enhancements


DOWNLOAD (http://01free-share.com/kKT)

DOWNLOAD (http://01free-share.com/9Wv)

DOWNLOAD (http://01free-share.com/Zba)